SloGlo is the eternal light, dynamic, ever loving.   Born in the back seat of a Ford tour van with time and feelings to spare.

Symbols And Mirrors, out now via Flood Music, is an attempt to shine a light on past events and explore the threshold between the conscious and sub conscious mind while experiencing love, beauty, and grief. 

The music is a contrasting mosaic of groove oriented electroacoustic habitats that reflect the dynamic soundscapes of electronica, neo soul, and jazz.

“Making people move and feel things in their body is most important to me.  We’re becoming stagnant dinosaurs and our heads are moving further and further away from our bodies.”

Invite The Light

“A strange, curious, but warmly and movingly executed album…The album is indicative of some fundamental tenets of great experimental albums: it’s unusual, lovable, and offers something new with each listen.”

-Chris Ingalls, Pop Matters

“A bubbling overflow of new takes on jazz and electronica.”

-Niels Overgård, Jazznyt